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Sugar cookies are a timeless classic. Secret family recipes, a part of holiday celebrations,  the staple in every event bake sale. We live for the Sugar Cookie. Our goal is to take that warm, soft, homemade baked sugar dough that we've all grown to love and turn it into a work of art. Sweet Inspiration is a Home Bakery located in Apex, NC and specializes in creating custom designs to celebrate all the special moments and people in your life. 


                        I'm Kishon and I love to bake cookies! Even more than baking, I love to create edible works of art that puts smiles on the faces of all the clients I serve.


I've been working with cookies for 13+ years and although I've had some bakery training, most of my current style has been self-taught.


I enjoy using various techniques to create the desired look including airbrushing, watercolors, painting, & royal icing detailing. 


It has been friends, family, and my early customers that stuck through the "hobby baking" stage as I tested and perfected my craft. You have all helped transform this business into something really sweet. And for that I am so grateful. 



Like almost every college student, you realize quickly that if you want any pocket money you better find at least a part-time job. 


Mine was a chain bakery, locally owned by a woman who influenced so much more than just my cookie decorating skills.


It was years after I left college before I decided to bake in my own kitchen and test my memory on some of the basics that I learned. 


I became obsessed.


Baking for family and friends for every. single. event. Scouring YouTube, signing up for classes, joining cookie decorating groups. I couldn't get enough and I was learning so much more. My husband and our boys started getting tired of testing, tasting, critiquing this new hobby of mine.


That's when I knew it was time to bake things happen.



I'm so excited to keep growing and offering new products, flavors & promotions to all my local customers. To be in the know on all the cookie news subscribe to our email list!

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